Tina + Jason – Norman Chapel Cincinnati Wedding

Tina + Jason – Norman Chapel Cincinnati Wedding

Norman Chapel Cincinnati Ohio Wedding

Reception – A Touch of Elegance

Yesterday I photographed Tina and Jason’s Norman Chapel Cincinnati Ohio Wedding at Spring Grove. Norman Chapel and the grounds of Spring Grove Arboretum are a very popular wedding location and there are numerous shooting locations, which can easily accommodate 4 or 5 simultaneous bridal parties. On Saturday, there were “only” three other photographers at Spring Grove. My couple and the bridal party was very easy going and made for a pleasant day.

After the ceremony and portraits we drove to A Touch of Elegance for a reception. At the reception I used some glow sticks for an “outside the box” image. I exposed Tina and Jason for about 10 seconds and balanced the available light with the glowsticks and off camera flash for a creative take on the light writing of the heart.

Congratulations Tina and Jason on your wedding and thank you for letting me be a part of your day and capture some great images.  Here are a few of my favorites from the day.

The Cincinnatian Hotel wedding preparationsThe Cincinnatian Hotel wedding preparations The Cincinnatian Hotel wedding preparations Norman Chapel Cincinnati Wedding ceremony Norman Chapel Cincinnati Wedding ceremony Norman Chapel Cincinnati Wedding ceremony Spring Grove Cemetery Wedding bride groom Norman Chapel Cincinnati Wedding ceremony Spring Grove Cemetery Wedding bride groom Spring Grove Cemetery Wedding bride groom Downtown Cincinnati Wedding Picture Bride Groom Fountain Square A Touch of Elegance Cincinnati Wedding Reception A Touch of Elegance Cincinnati Wedding Reception A Touch of Elegance Cincinnati Wedding Reception A Touch of Elegance Cincinnati Wedding Reception A Touch of Elegance Cincinnati Wedding Reception glowsticks