Just a quick sneak peek at our Cincinnati wedding from last week. Thanks to Peter and Angela for capturing these.
There is a old saying: “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpence in her shoe.” This is a collection of items that is considered lucky for a bride to take to her wedding. Andrea, my bride from this Saturday actually incorporated the something blue by stitching the couple’s initials right […]
Busy weekend with three weddings began with Casey + Ryan’s wedding at Polen Farm in Kettering. We photographed their super sexy engagement in the rain back in July. Here are some choice pics from Friday. Thanks to Niki and Sarah for helping out.Niki, Sarah and I tried to jump on the glowstick “bandwagon” and spell […]
On Saturday, Niki, Sarah and I photographed Marie and Eric’s wedding at the French House in Cincinnati. For those of you who follow this blog, you’ll remember that we photographed their engagement earlier this year. I wanted to get this post out while Marie and Eric are on their three day camping “minimoon”. There are […]