What amazing three full days at Cincinnati After Dark Photography workshops. When I say full days, I mean exactly that. The workshops went for three days starting in the morning and some ending at 2 AM or later. Some of the best photography mentors and over 400 participants from all over the country and Canada attended the festivities at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza Hotel. The only problem, was trying to select one course from a total of 12 courses taught at the same time. The other great aspect to having a workshop at Netherland Plaza, was because I was able to check out some great photography locations for my September 10, 2011 wedding at the same hotel.
Late last night on the way out of one of the conferences, I stopped by to see Don Chick. Don is a Master Photographer from New Hampshire and he was using a Ring Light in his bay. I asked him about the light and it’s utilities and he invited me see for myself. Don took some awesome images of me for about 5 minutes. Since, I am ALWAYS on the other side of the camera, it gave me a new appreciation for what my clients experience in my studio. Don’s ring light is daylight balanced and blindingly brilliant so much so that I kept seeing rings of light for the next 15 minutes. I am however very happy with the images and the cool catch light that it creates in the eye. Who knew I could keep my eyes open at 11:30PM after three marathon photography days. Thanks Don.